









现课题组具备Eyelink 1000PlusBrain Products 脑电仪、近红外线等设备,欢迎感兴趣的学者及学生联系合作交流。



2020.7-至今  565net必赢最新版首页官网,现代语言学研究院  青年副研究员

2016.9-2020.4  (台湾)中央大学,认知神经科学  博士


How the Brain Deals with the Asymmetry between Chinese Subject and Object Relative Clauses: Support for a Dynamic Processing Theory

2015.8-2016.8  (台湾)中央大学,教育心理学  硕士

2012.9-2015.7  南开大学,实验语言学  硕士

2008.9-2012.7  华中师范大学,语言学及应用语言学和心理学  双学位学士



1. 现代语言学研究院原创项目句子理解中句法和语义的时间加工进程及其机制

2. “中文语句处理历程的脑神经机制初探计划 (MOST 102-2628-H-008-002)

3. “成人及幼儿如何理解中文语句中的任何什么:来自行为及神经生理实验的实证证据计划 (MOST 105-2410-H-008-024)

4. “以同步脑电波-功能性磁振造影及颅内脑电波探讨脑部癫痫活动与血氧变化以及视丘活动之关联性计划 (MOST 107-2221-E-008-032-MY2)



2020  上海市晨光学者

2020  斐陶斐荣誉会员

2019  台湾中央大学校长奖学金(该年度全校共8名,在校生最高荣誉)。

2018  2018年台湾认知神经科学年会最佳学术论文。

2018  获台湾中央大学认知神经研究所提供的专项旅游经费赴美国第25届认知神经科学年会(CNS, 该领域最重要的国际会议之一)

2018  获台湾提供的专项经费参加2018美国神经科学学会年会 (SfN, 该领域最大规模的国际会议)

2016-2018  获台湾以认知神经科学进行语言及人类复杂系统的跨领域科技整合研究计划优秀研究生奖学金,每年资助研究经费25万台币,共三年。

2014-2015  获教育部颁发的国家奖学金。



Kunyu Xu, Denise H. Wu, & Jeng-Ren Duann* (2020). Neural Dynamics of Sentence Complexity: Evidence from single-trial fMRI-ICA analysis. NeuroImage. 1-12 (SCI, Q1).

Kunyu Xu, Denise H. Wu, & Jeng-Ren Duann* (2020). Enhanced Left Inferior Frontal to Left Superior Temporal Effective Connectivity for Complex Sentence Comprehension: fMRI Evidence from Chinese Relative Clause Processing. Brain and Language, 200, 1-10 (SCI, Q1).

Kunyu Xu, Jeng-Ren Duann, & Denise H. Wu* (2019). Preference for Object Relative Clauses in Chinese Sentence Comprehension: Evidence from Online Self-Paced Reading Time. Frontiers in Psychology, 20, 1-15. (SCI, Q1)

Kunyu Xu, Yu-Yu Huang, & Jeng-Ren Duann* (2019). The Sensitivity of Single-Trial Mu-Suppression Detection for Motor Imagery Performance as Compared to Motor Execution and Motor Observation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 13, 1-12. (SCI, Q3)

Kunyu Xu, & Jeng-Ren Duann* (2019). Brain Connectivity in the Left Frontotemporal Network Dynamically Modulated by Processing Difficulty: Evidence from Chinese Relative Clauses. PLoS One. 1-17 (SCI, Q1).

Bulut, T., Cheng, S. K., Xu, K. Y., Hung, D. L., & Wu, D. H.* (2018). Is there a processing preference for object relative clauses in Chinese? Evidence from ERPs. Frontiers in Psychology, 1-18 (SCI, Q1)

Kunyu Xu, & Feng Shi* (2017). Duration Analysis of One-sentence Parallelism with Three Items. Studies in Language and Linguistics, 37(2), 102-112. (CSSCI)

Kunyu Xu, & Feng Shi* (2016). Pitch Analysis of One-sentence Parallelism with Three Items. Journal of Chinese Phonetics, 95-102.

Fei Chen, Kunyu Xu, & Peng Gang* (2014), Effects of Preceding Contexts on The Categorical Perception of Mandarin Tones, the 9th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing, 289-293.



Kunyu Xu, & Jeng-Ren Duann (2019). Realization of Single-Sentence Observation in Brain Networks During Sentence Processing. Presented at the 6th Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience Annual meeting, Tainan, Taiwan.

Kunyu Xu, & Jeng-Ren Duann (2018). Brain connectivity was modulated by Sentence Complexity as Revealed by fMRI-ICA in Chinese relative clauses. Poster at the 2018 annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience (SfN). San Diego, CA, USA, 2018.

Kunyu Xu, Jeng-Ren Duann, & Denise H. Wu (2018). Sentence Comprehension at the Syntax-Semantics Interface. Poster for the 5th Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Taichung, Taiwan.

Kunyu Xu, Jeng-Ren Duann, & Denise H. Wu (2018). The involvement of left inferior frontal and posterior superior temporal gyri in processing Chinese relative clauses. Poster for the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS) 25th anniversary meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Yu-Huei Lian, Kunyu Xu, & Denise H. Wu (2018). Statistical learning of nonadjacent dependencies among different modalities. Poster for the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS) 25th anniversary meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Kunyu Xu, & Denise H. Wu (2017). Comprehension of the Interrogative Word shenme ‘what’ in Mandarin Chinese. Poster for the 11th International Conference on Cognitive Science, Taipei, Taiwan.

Denise H. Wu, Kunyu Xu, Talat Bulut, & Coralie Vincent (2017), Acquisition and Comprehension of Linguistic Dependencies: Empirical Evidence from Lifespan Development of Sentence Processing, Oral Presentation at the 11th International Conference on Cognitive Science Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan.

Kunyu Xu, Yu-Huei Lian, & Denise H. Wu (2017). Individual Difference in Statistical Learning of Dependency Between Nonadjacent Visual Shapes in Sequence Correlates with Sentence Reading. Poster for the 13th Asia Pacific Conference on Vision, Tainan, Taiwan.

Kunyu Xu, Jeng-Ren Duann, & Denise H. Wu (2017). Neural correlates of syntactic complexity in Chinese. Oral Presentation at the 2nd Project of Linguistic Analysis (POLA) Symposium for Chinese Linguistics, Tianjin, China.

Kunyu Xu, & Feng Shi (2016). The Intonation Analysis of One-sentence Parallelism, the 4th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Taiwan

Kunyu Xu, & Denise H. Wu (2016). Different Sentence Complexity Reflected in Chinese Relative Clauses, Oral Presentation at the 1st Project of Linguistic Analysis (POLA) Symposium for Chinese Linguistics, Tianjin, China.

Kunyu Xu, & Denise H. Wu (2016). Preference for Chinse Object Relative Clause Processing in Self-paced Reading, Poster for the 57th Annual Meeting of Psychonomic Society, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.